Swaddling the newborn phase can be really helpful to get your baby to sleep and help them stay
asleep for longer stretches. Swaddling is soothing for newborns as it mimics the feeling of being in the
womb. When using a proper swaddling technique, you may find an instant calming effect if you are having a hard time getting your baby to settle. Swaddling also eliminates the need for loose blankets in the basinet or crib and acts as a cue that sleep time is approaching. Some babies take to swaddling immediately, with noticeable improvement, and others need some time to get used to being swaddled. It is normal for your baby to try to fight the swaddle at first, but with some rocking motion/gentle bounce, with a pacifier and "shushing" you will notice your baby start to calm, and become very cozy in their little cocoon.
Safe Swaddling
Swaddling can help calm the moro (startle) reflex that newborns are innately equipped with and often
causes your little one to wake abruptly. The swaddle can help recreate the feeling of being in the womb and
is one of the quickest ways to calm a newborn! It can be a helpful tool during that fourth trimester, but it’s
important to swaddle safely. Here are a few tips to ensure you are swaddling safely:
Back to Sleep
Placing your baby on their back for all sleep is even more important if your little one is being swaddled.
Once your baby begins showing signs of rolling, it is time to transition out.
Thin Blanket
Swaddling should always be done with a thin blanket or a product specifically designed for swaddling.
When swaddling, it’s more likely for your baby to overheat, so it is important that they are dressed
appropriately and monitored closely.
From the Shoulders Down
The swaddle should always remain below your baby’s face and nose to ensure their airway is unobstructed.
Loose at the Hips
While swaddled, your baby should always have free movement of their legs and hips. Their legs should be
able to bend up and out at the hips, to encourage the natural development of their hip joints and prevent hip
Not Too Tight or Too Loose
You should always be able to fit two fingers between the swaddle and your baby’s chest. If the blanket is
too loose, it can become unwrapped and obstruct your baby’s airway and if it is too tight, if can make it
difficult for your baby to breathe.
Stop When Your Baby Shows Signs of Rolling
Swaddling can be beneficial, but it is important to make the transition before your baby starts rolling.
Typically babies begin to learn this skill around 3-4 months, but some being as early as 2 months old.
To ensure the safest swaddling practice and eliminate some concerns, it can be helpful to use a product
designed specifically for swaddling. A couple of our favourite swaddles are The Ollie Swaddle and The
SwaddleMe Swaddle.
Swaddle Transition
Swaddling can be beneficial, but it is important to make the transition before your baby starts rolling.
Typically babies begin to learn this skill around 3-4 months, but some begin as early as 2 months old.
Before your baby starts rolling, you’ll probably notice that they are getting stronger and are better able to
keep their head up during tummy time. They may begin to lift their head up more and push up with their
arms. Like any transition with a new baby, the transition out of the swaddle can be nerve wracking. Here
are a few tips to make the transition as smooth as possible!
Cold Turkey
If your baby has suddenly started to roll onto their tummy, it is really important to stop using a swaddle to
ensure their safety. The swaddle transition will likely result in a few tough nights, so some just like to get it
over with! Pick a night and use a sleep sack instead of the swaddle and continue with the sleep sack for
naps the next day.
Slow Transition
If your swaddle allows it, start by swaddling your baby with their left arm out for 3 nights and 3 days. Next,
swaddle your baby with their right arm out for 3 nights and 3 days. On the 6 th day, swaddle your little one
with both arms out (if your swaddle is suitable for this) or put them in their sleep sack! This method allows
a slow transition, so your baby can adjust gradually to their newfound freedom.
Early Transition
If you want to get a head start or if your baby often breaks free from their swaddle during the night, try for
an early transition by allowing them to sleep with their arms free for the remainder of the night once they
get out of their swaddle. If your baby isn’t breaking free from their swaddle, you can actively do this
method by freeing their arms during their night time feed and allowing them to have their arms free for the
rest of the night. If trying this method, it is important that the swaddle is tight enough on their torso to
ensure that it does not ride up and cover their face.
Whichever method you choose, be sure to replace the swaddle with a sleep sack. This will act as a sleep
cue just as the swaddle did and allows you to continue putting your baby to sleep without a blanket, which
is really important for safe sleep! If you don’t already use a sound machine for your baby, now would be a
great time to start. This pairs nicely with the sleep sack to act as another sleep cue to prepare your baby for
nap and bedtime. It will also help your little one settle throughout the night, should that pesky moro reflex
wake them once they’ve transitioned out of the swaddle.
Like any other transition, the swaddle transition can be a tough one. Just remember, this is a phase and
you’ll be on the other side of it in no time. Shortly after the swaddle transition, your baby will likely start
rolling onto their belly during sleep and this may help their stretches of sleep lengthen. If you’re struggling,
please don’t hesitate to reach out for a personalized sleep plan for your little one. We are always here to provide support and guidance throughout your little ones sleep journey.

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant