As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant it’s important for us to get the whole picture before recommending the right sleep program for your little one. There are so many variants for us to take into consideration when examining a child’s sleep struggles. One factor that may often be overlooked by parents is how much of an impact their child’s diet has on their sleep patterns. The food that children eat during the day greatly influences how easily they are able to fall asleep at night, as well as the quality of their sleep.
A good feeding and sleep schedule go hand in hand and it’s important to make sure your child is getting all of their calories during the day to prevent them from waking at night and needing those missing calories. Babies who are having more frequent, smaller feedings will wake sooner and more often. Make sure they are taking in the right amount of ounces per feeding session which will fluctuate depending on if they are breast/bottle fed, their age and nap schedule. Breastfed babies feed more often and take less volume than formula fed babies do, due to the slower digestion of formula. Breastmilk is low in fat and protein but high in carbohydrates and lactose making it easier and quicker to digest. Therefore, babies who are breastfed reach a fasting state more quickly.
Bottle Feeding Guide

It’s recommended to start introducing solids around 6 months and when your baby is showing signs of readiness. It’s important to remember that breastmilk or formula should provide the majority of calories during a baby's first year. If you have any questions or concerns always consult with your physician.
Foods that promote sleep
Melatonin is a hormone that our bodies produce to help us feel sleepy. Foods that are tryptophan rich such as meats, nuts, seeds and dairy can aid in the production of melatonin. Studies have found that eating these foods earlier in the day significantly improved quality of sleep. They also
found that eating foods higher in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or fruit and starchy vegetables are also associated with better sleep quality. Listed below are some examples of food that may help promote sleep:
- Dairy products (yogurt, milk and cheese)
- Nuts such as almonds
- Tofu
- Soy products
- Wheats and oats
- Bananas, Blueberries, Kiwi
- Green leafy vegetables
- Eggs
- Poultry, especially turkey
- Fish
Foods to avoid before bed
- Caffeine (chocolate, ice cream, granola, protein bars)
- Foods high in tyramine (a hormone that increases heart rate and blood pressure) such as aged/ strong cheeses, ham, pepperoni, bacon, nuts, avocado, soy sauce and raspberries
- Cruciferous vegetables because they are full of tough fibres. When our bodies are trying to digest higher calories meals it raises our body temperatures and in order to get a good sleep our bodies require cooler temperatures. Examples of cruciferous vegetables are cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, cabbage and brussel sprouts.
- Spicy foods as they may cause digestions problems in children and stomach irritation could result in insomnia.
- Sugars and sweets as they spike the blood sugar and it comes crashing down after a few hours. This causes an increase in the stress hormone called cortisol making it difficult to sleep.
- Heavy fatty and salty meals can also negatively impact sleep quality.
This isn’t to say that you should never let your child enjoy any of these foods but limiting them before bedtime can help decrease the risk of disturbed sleep.
You should offer your child their largest meal mid day with dinner being a bit smaller than lunch and at least 1 to 2 hours before bedtime. A light and healthy snack 30 minutes before bedtime may be helpful but avoid heavy meals as this may make it more difficult to sleep. A common misconception is that an empty stomach might cause a child to wake during the night so they feed them dinner right before bed. It actually takes the stomach several hours to digest a big meal. If a meal is consumed too close to bedtime it will remain active when we really want it to relax.
If your little one is struggling with night wakings or having trouble weaning from those night feedings you may benefit from an evaluation of their day time schedule. One of our sleep specialists would love to help you find the perfect balance in your little ones feeding and sleep schedule. Visit www.theslumbernest.com or click the link below to book your free consultation today!

-Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant